Saturday, October 10, 2009

Introduction to Dave's TRT trip

This blog tells the story of my Tahoe Rim Trail hike in the summer of 2009. It is in two main sections, one is the actual description of the hike, with accompanying photos. The other part is what I call "everything I know about hiking the TRT".

I don't claim to be an expert at hiking, the TRT, or anything else (ok, I do know a hell-of-a-lot about drip irrigation system setup, but that's a different story!), so don't rely on my information for anything more than just another way to get some additional information or trail descriptions. Some of my pictures turned out pretty well, though. By sharing my experiences from the trail, it just might help you get inspired to get out and hike!

I've set up two ways to follow the blog.
The easiest is to go to the "Pages" section, then click on "Dave's hike- Tahoe Rim Trail - in order by date". That takes you to an outline, by date, of the entire trip. Each subject has a link, so everything is in the right order.
The other way to follow it, is by the traditional "blog archive" way, but it isn't as easy to follow the trip in order.The actual hike descriptions are listed by date, and so you can start at the bottom, for the start of the trip, July 31, 2009, and end on Sept 6, 2009.

Enjoy, and get out and hike!